Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year's Eve!

Two years already and I've only posted....25 times? Yet, I still promise you every post that I'll post more often, that I'll change, but nope...nope...I haven't changed. I would tell you that my New Year's Resolution is to post more, but let's face it--I never come through with any of my resolutions.

Last year, the only resolution I remember making is that I will complete my novel. Let's just say that it didn't work out...
This year, I have come to a conclusion:
no more resolutions. It's all for the best, really. I mean, I won't be disappointing myself, and I won't be making you any promises that I can't keep!

But I promise I'll keep this one short.
1.) Because I'm lazy.
2.)Because you should donate to my Penguin Plunge page (which I'll talk about in my next post)
3.) Because there's too much to say.
4.) Because you should read my Young Writer's Project blog.
5.) Because there are at least three deliciously scrumptious cakes in the oven downstairs.
6.) Because it's New Year's Eve.