Saturday, March 13, 2010

Life In the Past Month

Arghh. How long has it been since I've written anything? Yet, I've been writing-obsessed lately! Anyways, sounds like Punxsutawney Phil was wrong when he predicted six more weeks of winter, because now that I look outside and see the mud along with 50 degree weather, I highly doubt this is what we call winter.

I'll be sailing away on Royal Caribbean in April--a vacation that seems years away. It's my third cruise and the longest one I've ever taken--let's see how that goes. Right now, I'm doing absolutely nothing. Sure, I've had a few violin lessons here and there and I've written a few successful pieces, but other than that, I'm just an average teen who spends all her precious time with her electronics--is that bad?

My new craze is American Idol. My nightly routine on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays--at 8 or 9 (depending on when it starts) I sit down with a piping hot cup of tea, an intriguing novel (during the commercials), and my undivided attention for the singers. Well, let's just say the good singers. That narrows it down to---practically nobody. I'm pretty sure that this is the first time nobody's popped out at me yet. Last year, it was Adam Lambert; the year before: America's favorite Archie, who, in my opinion, deserved the title much more than David Cook. It's not that I mind David Cook--I don't--but he's just eh. This year I'm mainly rooting for Aaron Kelly, Crystal Bowersox, and Big Mike. Once Simon leaves next year, there's really no point at all for watching AI.

Speaking of intriguing novels--read any good books lately? I'm glued to Jodi Picoult, Sophie Kinsella, and--my favorite--Nicholas Sparks. I'm in the middle of The Tenth Circle by Jodi Picoult, and I'm addicted.

I've been following the blog Underneath the Turban. Oh god--I don't think I've ever laughed so much while reading something before. The poor guy shares his name with the AI contestant, Tim Urban. Go read it. The guy has a way with words.

I watched the Oscars. Nice, I guess. Not much more to say, really. My favorite part of the Oscars is the dresses. I have a little notepad in the back of my mind; making footnotes about each dress and comparing them to the vague images I have from last year.
Meryl Streep-A
Penelope Cruz-A++
Miley Cyrus-C
Amanda Seyfried-A
Cameron Diaz-A+
Maggie Gyllenhaal-D
Tina Fey-B

I have no life.

All for now. This is the longest post I've ever written. Wow. :-)