Monday, May 11, 2009

Swine Flu...

I'm sure you've all heard of the swine flu--ehhh---H1N1 virus. Thankfully it hasn't spread around VT yet, except that one case up north. Not only is it taking over the minds of many worried people, it's taken over the Internet and the news! Everywhere I go I see headlines "H1N1 Virus Warning." "Swine Flu Case" and so on...
I finally read an article that made sense. The article said that people shouldn't worry so much about the swine flu because the world will face (and has faced) many more dilemmas like this, and we'll make it through! I agree, and I'm sure other people do too!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there! I hope your family treated you to a wonderful breakfast/lunch/brunch this morning and I hope you received many flowers and treats.Add Image

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Yesterday was my dog's 4th birthday. The one on the right, Sam. The day we went to see him was probably one of the longest days I have ever had. The directions said it would take 2 hours to get to Northeast Kingdom. Boy, were they wrong! FOUR HOURS. First off, we had absolutely no signal, and second, we got lost. When we finally stopped at the house which we assumed was the right one, we were told that we were on the other side of the mountain. So, driving to the "correct" side of the mountain took half and hour, and by the time we got there, I had no patience to carefully pick out a puppy. Out of 8 puppies, only two were male, so that narrowed it down. "King," the so-called "alpha male" was a heavy, and gorgeous dog. Unfortunately for us, he was a loner. That left Sambo, the energetic puppy named after his dad. It worked out perfectly for us, and coincidentally, we had chosen the name Sam. So that was it; we chose him, signed some papers, and left with excitement, anxious for the day we got to pick him up. That day came soon; three days after we moved to our new house. Sam walked in like e was already part of the family. He fit in perfectly too; ready to eat anything (and I mean ANYTHING) and staying by our side. Two years later, his brother, Wookie (on the left) stepped into our lives. He was a handful. But luckily, he also fit in to our family. And now we have one big family. It's true what they say about dogs; man's best friend.


Look outside, Vermonters! Do you see it? RAIN!!! It was beaaaaaaautiful this morning and then it started pouring!!! I felt the sprinkle of water this morning while I was shooting hoops (I had some pretty good luck too!). Fortunately, I lovvvvve thunderstorms so it was to my benefit that around 3, thunder erupted and lightning struck. I love Vermont!!!