One word. AMAZING. It was so good, to my surprise. Much better than Twilight, with very little of Edward Boring Cullen, and lots of Jacob! The acting was slightly better, though Bella's acting was still terrible. There was a lot more action, which really kept it exciting. The setting for the Volturi scene was beautiful! It was perfect, and almost like Stephanie Meyer described it.
On the down side though, the ending was NOT good. I won't ruin it for those of you who haven't watched it yet, but just warning you that you should be prepared to be disappointed. There's a lot of Bella's whining, and it's much worse than in Twilight, FYI. Jessica, Bella's friend, is a lot more annoying, but we all know that from the book. And Mike is just a bit creepier. The Volturi are interesting, however Dakota Fanning definitely didn't deserve the part as Jane.
Just a few ups and downs, but on the whole, the movie is actually really good. I definitely recommend it. Be prepared to flinch during a few parts; it can get intense.
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